Sunday 1 April 2012

Money - An Entrepreneur's Dream

In a world were we are told money isn't everything and is the root of all evil, why is it still the money common and widely used medium of exchange then. We need money for almost everything, the education we want to pursue we need money to pay for it, the house we live in whether be rented or owned we need money to maintain it.Unfortunately not all of us are bless to be born with a silver spoon it our mouth and we the less privileged really have to work hard to makes ends meat.

The most important thing for an entrepreneur with an idea is start up capital, nothing else gets your plans of the ground like a good financial investment. Rupert Murdoch whose net worth is in the billions started his pursuit with a Newspaper inherited from his father, with this small business he expanded to the media conglomerate know as News Corporation. Unfortunately not everyone has a daddy to leave a business for us, our opt is to gain funding from outside sources which may be a task. Getting persons to believe in your vision when they don't see it profitable especially when they are the ones who suppose to finance it.

As an entrepreneur you some stay on course if you believe in your project, sometimes using your own finances as start up helps. If that doesn't help you need to get a 9-5 job to be able to invest in yourself and have that other option of employment if all else fails. At the end of the day we cant escape the fact that we need money to survive, what we use it for whether good or bad determines our character. Money makes the world go round.

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