Thursday 19 April 2012

Group Work - University Students gift and curse

As much as it may be fun to get to know people from different cultures and societies or even get the chance to conveniently speech to that person you admire in class cause you are to shy, group allows you to have all these possibilities expect that students HATE it.

Group work essential to students to get a gasp of working it peers or groups especially for those anti social people or ones from single parent homes with no siblings to have interact with. Teaches you team work which you may need for your pursuit into the job market after graduation, or even have person's entering entrepreneurship as you may need or team or know how to run a group in other to get the job done.

With all this said if I were to conduct a survey on the UWI Mona campus I am certain and would bet my tuition on it that 1 out of ever 5 students i ask my actually like group work. The other 4 may have the same output that I may have of group work which makes it a problem. First of all some people are childish and immature which may be a difficult characteristic to cope with if you act or consider yourself a mature person. Some others are lazy and don't participate or help out and more than less of the time get the same grade as you do even if your effort was far greater than theirs. To many cooks can spoil a broff and head Chef's I should add, meaning that the number of person's in a group may be difficult to work with and to many people want to lead and not assist or follow.

My advice to someone who really hates group work and need to cope, here's the run down. Attend all the meetings, don't choose to lead, give input where you see the project is going wrong or may fail as it involves your grade, and if the groups is large 8-10 members chose to speak when spoken to if not just smile and nod your head in agreement to everything the members agree on.

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