Sunday 8 April 2012

Poker - Game or Real Life

Forget Monopoly the real game of life is poker. Minus the the banker giving you start up capital, minus the car, dog, iron or cruise which represents you and other stuff you may never own, minus the houses, hotels and land space you may never reach the financial capacity to purchase them-without the roll of a dice poker is the real entrepreneur game and can give a reflection of one's character in the handling of life's challenges.

Poker is a game of patient, and if you don't this attribute whether in the game or in life it will be difficult for you to ever accomplish anything. We've all heard the saying "I play the hand that I'm dealt", this occurs in poker and it real life when we are put in circumstances beyond our control and we have the task of dealing with it. In poker you may not like the cards you given so you have the option of folding them or playing with them to see if anything comes of them. Those who fold may lose their patient of constantly getting bad cards and some may continue playing waiting for that chance to be dealt with winning cards. That is life in a nutshell for you, somethings its wise to have a card or two up your sleeve.

An entrepreneur chips is his investment what he starts life with, the amount of money you have determines the amount of chips you have. The two cards you dealt with is your goals, your plans - the dealer deals 3 cards, then a 4th, and then a 5th and final in "Texas holdem". These are different stages in life and your challenges, with your cards and being able to manage your chips you will win the game of life. Patient is needed and be able to rise after taking loses and your chips are down is vital in surviving.

"it's a bad joke, dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these uh, these "civilized people", they'll eat each other." (The Dark Knight)

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