Thursday 15 March 2012


New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin could all teach us a lesson about entrepreneurial skills when he went from sleeping on the couch of his brother's one bedroom apartment just earlier in 2012 to now having his own condo in White Plains, New York.

This all started when the undrafted Harvard College graduate led the New York Knicks to a winning streak coming off the bench while their two star players were out with injures. This gain wide media coverage and a rise in popularity to his cinderella.  The Asian American gave rise to an era called "Linsanity" and it was everywhere. Lin's jersey became the best selling in the NBA from February 4th, New York stores couldn't keep up with the supply-demand that brought now Knicks hero into the lime light. From broadcast news to magazines was all about Jeremy Lin.

Now adays the hype surrounding the now starting Knicks point guard has simmered down now that his win streak has ended and his numbers/stats during the streak has fallen. It has also led Nike to hold back the production of a sneaker which was in the making during the rise Jeremy Lin. One important entrepreneur skill absent in all is seems to be "Adaptability"

Adaptability is the willingness and ability to change and improve in order to meet the needs of different industry
swings, market circumstances, and dynamic business needs. Adaptability allows the entrepreneur to remain
pliable and composed throughout unpredictable situations and market anomalies, while becoming stronger
through the necessitated and improvisational change.

We can all use Lin example as a model and motivator for our own success in the future.

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